Beautiful phrases about life

 Life takes us in major and manifold ways, including what is full of hope and experiences that give us enthusiasm and strengthens the will to achieve our dreams, and some of which contain obstacles that motivate us to challenge the difficulties to overcome, thus strengthening our thorn and refining ourselves and accustoming to bear responsibility, it is life, which contains all  What may surprise us, make us happy, or sadden us sometimes, then make us .

الحقيقة أكثر قيمة إذا استغرقت بضع سنوات للعثور عليها." - المثل الفرنسي

."ليس هناك عيب في عدم المعرفة ؛ العيب يكمن في عدم معرفة ذلك." - المثل الروسي

الجهل ليس مجرد نقص في المعرفة ولكن رفض التعليم. طالما نحن منفتحون على اكتشاف المزيد ، فلن نتوقف أبدًا عن التعلم.

"طعم القهوة والحب أفضل عندما يكون ساخنا." - المثل الإثيوبي.

"القلم اقوى من السيف." - المثل الإنجليزي

يمكن لقوة الكلمة المكتوبة أن تغير الأفكار والسياسات والعالم بأسره.

إضافة شرح

"اسقط سبع مرات وقف في الثامنة." - المثل الياباني

يعلمنا هذا المثل الياباني أن المثابرة هي واحدة من أهم الفضائل. هناك الكثير من الأمثال اليابانية ، ولكن هذا يذكرنا أنه بالكاد ينجح أي شخص في محاولته الأولى أو حتى تجربته الثانية - عليك فقط الاستمرار في الاستمرار

The most beautiful short expressive phrases

 I suffer from the current situation in some countries, yes .. but my future view is an optimistic view of a better future, God willing, and the fetus will not be born without pain.

 The heart does not care to live long.

 The optimist is a reckless person feeding his chicken silver to whitewash him with gold, and the pessimist is a worried person who throws the golden egg because he believes that a ticking time bomb is inside.

 The optimist is the one who looks at your eyes and the pessimist is the one who looks at your feet.

 I justify the soul with hopes and watch for it .. I would not be able to live without the hope.

 Self-confidence and optimism for the good are contagious, and yes the infection.

 When you are not optimistic, intelligence decays.

 Do your homework a little more and the future will come by itself.

 My confidence in myself is ultimately a confidence in man and his ability to transcend himself and to reform and transformation and to know its limits, it is confidence that does not result in arrogance and confusion but rather a pride in man and his capabilities.

 The need to be right is a sign of the rude mind.

 Keep an attractive smile on your face, even if you do not feel that you want to smile and pretend to smile as the subconscious cannot distinguish between the real and the unreal, and therefore it is better to decide to smile with ...

Beautiful messages about life

 The first message:

 If you take a step back, do not despair.

 And do not forget that the arrow needs,

 To take it a step back and to move forward strongly.

 The second message:

 Who carry in them the spark of knowledge,

 Longing to reject routine life,

 They always draw life with its beautiful level,

 Despite their tiredness.

 The third message:

 Who complain of lack of provision,

 Lack of luck, bad life,

 Their coffers are full and rich,

 But they lost the keys to their treasures,

 It is optimism, patience, and faith.

 The fourth message:

 Life is like a piano, there are white fingers which are happiness,

 And there are black fingers which are sadness,

 But make sure you play the two

 To give life a melody.

 The fifth message:

 The world is three days, yesterday: we lived it and it will not come back.

 Today: We live it and it will not last,

 Tomorrow: We don't know where we will be,

 So forgive, forgive, and leave the creation to the Creator,

 For I am and you and we are leaving,

 From the depths of your heart forgive those who offended you.

 Judgment and advice about life

 Whoever tries to hold the candle from its flame burns his hand.

 My life, which I live like the coffee I drink, is often sweet.

 You may forget who shared you ...

Expressive sayings of life

 Life is nothing other than a person’s sense of life.  Strip a person of the sense of his life that strips him of life itself in its true meaning.

 The nation whose men know how to die is the worthy nation.

 When we live only for ourselves, life seems to us short and slim, it starts from where we began to realize, and ends with the end of our limited life, but when we live for others, that is, when we live for an idea, life appears long and deep, it starts from where humanity began, and it extends after our departure to the face of this earth  .

 You will learn many lessons of life, if you notice that firefighters do not fight fire with fire.

 Religion is the compass that helps a person to maintain his proper direction in this life, and prevents him from wandering on his face without a goal, which may expose him to falling into the clutches of evil.

 Do not be surprised by the rise of the plain if the slope is bumpy.

 Life is not the number of years, but the number of feelings, because life is nothing other than a person's sense of life.

 We live a double life for ourselves when we live for others, and as much as we multiply our sense of others, we multiply our sense of our life, and we multiply this same life in ...

Words about happiness in life

 Freedom with pain is more generous than slavery with happiness.

 Happiness is good health and bad memory.

 People think that feeling happy is the result of success, but the opposite is true. Success is the result of feeling happy.

 Many people have a wrong idea about happiness.  It will not come about by fulfilling desires, but by sacrificing for a noble goal.

 Happiness cannot be in money, power, or power. Rather, it is in (what do we do with money, power, and power).

 There is no happiness for me more than the freedom of my homeland.

 The past is only a dream, and the future is only a vision, and your present life with total love for God Almighty makes the past a dream of happiness and from the future a vision of hope.

 Ethics first, then knowledge and competence, is the key to happiness for individuals, governments, and the masses.

 The whole world is a false dream: love, money, health, happiness and glory .. Nothing immortalizes that nor remains. Sacrifice is the jewel of virility and it is the one that makes happiness among people.

 Happiness is not in beauty, in wealth, in love, in strength, or in health ... Happiness in our reasonable use of all these things.

 One of the first conditions for happiness is that the relationship between man and medicine ...

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