Sayings and wisdom of the great.
From the sayings and wisdom of Einstein
Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.
The most important thing is to not stop the question.
Don't worry about the obstacles you face in mathematics, I can assure you that my obstacles are much greater.
Culture is what remains after you forget everything you learned in school.
Madness is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.
Science is a wonderful thing if you are not living with it.
Any fool can make things look bigger and more complex, but you need a brave genius to make them look the opposite.
The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources.
God created the universe according to laws that do not recognize chance or randomness.
Equations are more important to me, politics is present, and equations are for eternity.
Do not strive for success, but strive for value.
Sayings and wisdom of Isaac Newton
Sometimes loneliness is due to the inability to tolerate people's nonsense.
We build a lot of walls and a few bridges.
You can be silent when others mock you, because you know who you are and who they are.
A man may be able to imagine what is wrong, but he will only understand what is right, so a man may fail to imagine the consequences of doing wrong.
Home / Sayings / Sayings and wisdom of the great and wise
Sayings and wisdom of the great and wise
Writing by Ahmed Al Saeed - Last updated: 09:44, 27 February 2019
Rulings and proverbs of the great
Sayings and wisdom of Gandhi
1 From the sayings and wisdom of Gandhi
2 From Einstein's sayings and wisdom
3 Sayings and Rulings of Isaac Newton
4 From the sayings and wisdom of Ahmed Al-Deedat
5 sayings and wisdom of Ahmed Shawky
Sayings and wisdom of Gandhi
Sometimes God experiences those who want to bless them to the fullest extent.
A man is only the product of his thoughts, what he thinks, he becomes.
It is not wise for a person to be certain of his wisdom, it is healthy to be reminded that the strongest can be weakened, and the most wise can be mistaken.
Happiness is when your thoughts, words, and actions coincide.
The hour of rage has no hands.
A civilization cannot live if it tries to be exclusive.
From the sayings and wisdom of Einstein
Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.
The most important thing is to not stop the question.
Don't worry about the obstacles you face in mathematics, I can assure you that my obstacles are much greater.
Culture is what remains after you forget everything you learned in school.
Madness is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.
Science is something ...
From the sayings and wisdom of Ahmed Al-Deedat
Man was not born with a choice between his color, lineage, riches and poverty, so if you do not respect creation, then respect the Creator.
God did not create us to mourn, He only teaches us to return to Him when we are broken.
An internally polluted person does not accommodate the presence of pure human beings.
When someone betrays you, stand with your head up and do not bow because it was you who won the loyalty.
I am a Muslim and Islam is a complete religion, but I am not a complete human being. If I make a mistake, do not blame Islam, but I blame me.
We are not lagging behind the West, but lagging behind Islam, and we are not behind the world except after our neglect of our religion.
If you eat spoiled food, your body becomes corrupt, and if you read a corrupt book your mind becomes corrupt, so beware carefully of what the media do with your minds.
Do not be fragile, i.e. a blow that hits you, any shock that weakens you, any failure that complicates you, and any error that kills you, be strong, there is no place for the weak at this time.
From the sayings and wisdom of Ahmed Shawky
I only know you fairly, but your work ... if your beauty did it well ... and if you master it as a king.
Hearts collapse as they age, except for the hearts of the poets and the brave.
I deserted some people voluntarily because I saw their hearts fall apart, yes I miss, but I put my dignity above my longing.
Gandhi's sayings about humanity
You should not lose hope in humanity, that humanity is an ocean, and if a few drops of the ocean are dirty then the entire ocean does not become dirty.
A person becomes completely great to the extent that he works to take care of his fellow man.
Any crime or injury; Regardless of the case, it is a crime against humanity committed or caused by another person.
People tend to forget their duties and remember their rights.
It is not wise for a person to be certain of his wisdom, it is healthy to be reminded that the strongest can be weakened, and the most wise can be mistaken.
Gandhi's sayings about peace
What is taken away from violence is preserved only by violence.
Victory resulting from violence is equal to defeat, as it is rapidly lapse.
Wherever love exists, life exists.
We will win our battle not as much as we kill our opponents, but as much as we kill in ourselves the desire to kill.
A difference of opinion should not lead to enmity, otherwise my wife and I would be among the worst enemies.
Gandhi's sayings about poverty
The rich must live more simply so that the poor can live.
Gandhi's sayings about strength
The weak does not forgive, so forgiveness is the most powerful.
Power does not come from a physical ability, but rather an indomitable will.
It is my firm belief that the power of the soul grows in proportion to your subordination to the body.
The “no” uttered with deep conviction is better than the “yes” that is pronounced just to please, or worse, to avoid trouble.
Power does not come from the things you can do, but from the things that you once thought you would not be able to overcome.
Home / Sayings / sayings and wisdom of Gandhi
Sayings and wisdom of Gandhi
Writing by Ahmed Al Saeed - Last updated: 8:30, 27 February 2019
Sayings and wisdom of world celebrities
Sayings and wisdom about peace
1 Gandhi's sayings on humanity
2 Gandhi's sayings about peace
3 Gandhi's sayings about poverty
4 Gandhi's sayings about strength
5 Gandhi’s sayings about religion and God
6 other sayings of Gandhi
Gandhi's sayings about humanity
You should not lose hope in humanity, that humanity is an ocean, and if a few drops of the ocean are dirty then the entire ocean does not become dirty.
A person becomes completely great to the extent that he works to take care of his fellow man.
Any crime or injury; Regardless of the case, it is a crime against humanity committed or caused by another person.
People tend to forget their duties and remember their rights.
It is not wise for a person to be certain of his wisdom, it is healthy to be reminded that the strongest can be weakened, and the most wise can be mistaken.
Gandhi's sayings about peace
What is taken away from violence is preserved only by violence.
Victory resulting from violence is equal to defeat, as it is rapidly lapse.
Wherever love exists, life exists.
Sayings and wisdom of Ahmed Shawky
Hearts collapse as they age, except for the hearts of the poets and the brave.
Were it not for miserliness, a group of fate would not perish, and they would be angry, tired of its people.
And what is required for wishful thinking, but the world is taken as a victory.
Vanity, if it possesses a nation like a flower, hides death and is a leader.
So take knowledge on his flags and seek wisdom among the wise.
Leaving souls without knowledge or literature leaving the patient without medicine and no reason.
And one is not sincere in his statement until he corroborates what he said.
Whoever lies will lie to his Lord and offend the dead and the living.
Courage may take you an hour.
Lord of rodents for purposes and vulnerable between two naughty lenders.
He who knew himself after ignorance found it, and who ignored himself after knowing lost it.
Whoever thinks he is never satisfied is about to please anyone.
Friends of politics are enemies when politics.
People meet each other in the minor and do not fear God in the major sins.
What people love for people, one of them works on his brother’s affairs and more easily distracts him.
The soul is the weakest of the compelling and the strongest of the oppressed.
Poetry is still idle until wisdom decorates it, and wisdom remains strayed until it is housed by a verse of poetry.
The scourge of counseling is to be controversial and hurt him to be loud.
Ask permission ...
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